Getting Some stuff ready!
Today was Sunday... and we did not go to Church as we were exhausted! The kids were up all night.
We did get some things accomplished.. We gathered more Garage Sale Items and hope to maybe have the garage sale in this first week of September since our Golf tourney was knocked down by the county. I think the in-laws are going to buy the crib off of us for some reason. My BIL's wife is having a baby in September but they have a crib so I am not sure what my MIL is As we will not have any more "babies" in our home. I am figuring by the time we get Nathan home he'll be almost 2 years old. (He is 17 months today). I just hope of G-sale is a HUGE success! As the funds will be going to his orphange fee first and that is a few thousand dollars. I am trying to save for the "end" of our trip in CHina FIRST so we can hop on that plane as soon as we can and go get our son! I wish he was here right now.. SO I could hear how he breathes at night... Is he going to be a snorer/talker like his big brother Cameron...or will he be like Alyssa with an occassional snort/laugh, or will be be just like himself and have his own sleep patterns. I wonder if he'll like Mickey Mouse, if he'll like his baths, what colors look best on him, what his fav american food will be (thinking mac n cheese), I wonder will he sleep with a fav toy, blankie, or if daddy or I will be his security? Cameron sleeps with a stuffed golden ret. that we named Pugs and it barks... Alyssa needs to hold my hand on most night to fall asleep. I wonder how early Nathan will wake will it be 6am like cam or 9am like Alyssa... Will he come in my room to tell me its a sunny day, what will he think of Nikita, Bunkee, and Wendi? So many questions that go on unanswered... When we go to bring him home how much of his history will I know? What will his first holidays be like here Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July? This are all thoughts that are running through my mind. For Christmas I am asking our family to donate funds for our plane ride... and I am very serious about that. What could be a better present that given the gift of flight to see our son... For me its like a hallway pass to see the nursery. The nursery that our son has known as his home, where many of his firsts have happened. I am hoping that we get that "PA" (Pre-approval from China)soon... as that is a piece of paper that says. We approve your family for your son. After the PA he is ours... We just need to speed up some paperwork... which we are doing. I am just amazed that how much love we have for him already. I know he is going to fit perfectly in our family.
Nathan I know that its 1pm there and its almost your nap time. I send you sweet naptime kisses and love. Once we get our PA then I will send you a special blanket that I have made for you and for your roommates to snuggle with. May the warmth of the blankie keep you warm and safe. Love you Nathan Xiaoliang!
We did get some things accomplished.. We gathered more Garage Sale Items and hope to maybe have the garage sale in this first week of September since our Golf tourney was knocked down by the county. I think the in-laws are going to buy the crib off of us for some reason. My BIL's wife is having a baby in September but they have a crib so I am not sure what my MIL is As we will not have any more "babies" in our home. I am figuring by the time we get Nathan home he'll be almost 2 years old. (He is 17 months today). I just hope of G-sale is a HUGE success! As the funds will be going to his orphange fee first and that is a few thousand dollars. I am trying to save for the "end" of our trip in CHina FIRST so we can hop on that plane as soon as we can and go get our son! I wish he was here right now.. SO I could hear how he breathes at night... Is he going to be a snorer/talker like his big brother Cameron...or will he be like Alyssa with an occassional snort/laugh, or will be be just like himself and have his own sleep patterns. I wonder if he'll like Mickey Mouse, if he'll like his baths, what colors look best on him, what his fav american food will be (thinking mac n cheese), I wonder will he sleep with a fav toy, blankie, or if daddy or I will be his security? Cameron sleeps with a stuffed golden ret. that we named Pugs and it barks... Alyssa needs to hold my hand on most night to fall asleep. I wonder how early Nathan will wake will it be 6am like cam or 9am like Alyssa... Will he come in my room to tell me its a sunny day, what will he think of Nikita, Bunkee, and Wendi? So many questions that go on unanswered... When we go to bring him home how much of his history will I know? What will his first holidays be like here Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July? This are all thoughts that are running through my mind. For Christmas I am asking our family to donate funds for our plane ride... and I am very serious about that. What could be a better present that given the gift of flight to see our son... For me its like a hallway pass to see the nursery. The nursery that our son has known as his home, where many of his firsts have happened. I am hoping that we get that "PA" (Pre-approval from China)soon... as that is a piece of paper that says. We approve your family for your son. After the PA he is ours... We just need to speed up some paperwork... which we are doing. I am just amazed that how much love we have for him already. I know he is going to fit perfectly in our family.
Nathan I know that its 1pm there and its almost your nap time. I send you sweet naptime kisses and love. Once we get our PA then I will send you a special blanket that I have made for you and for your roommates to snuggle with. May the warmth of the blankie keep you warm and safe. Love you Nathan Xiaoliang!
Nathan is a special boy who has a family that loves him very much. I can't wait until you get your PA and then TA.
Lisa, at 7:53 PM
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