Nathan Xiao Liang

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Our journey to Nate

Just an introduction to start off. I am a happily married mom of 2 children. I had gone through the journey of infertility and the 6 years of heartache. On 6/17/95 while out celebrating our 11th anniversary we had been wanting another child. With the heartache of fertility treatments we could no longer go though that again. So our next thought was adoption... We had started the process years ago and then conceived our firstborn and set aside the adoption thoughts... Well, it was time... SO I started researching and thought Ukraine... but no they were closed at the time...and not knowing when they would open and such... After much research we decided to go for China. A non special needs daughter that was to be named Cadance....I started saving and called and researched some agencies and so forth.... I had found a wonderful adoptive mom..and she lives near me and spoke highly of Harrah's... and some how I landed on their SN yahoo group and this is where I found our future son. I do feel he is our son. Well, I found an agency and then I also found a special needs boy. His name is Xin Xiao Liang...He is referred to as Liang and is 16 months old right now... Harrah's has been wonderful so far! I was not really looking to fall in love. But there was something about Liang that pulled me to him. I was pre-pre-approved by the agency and now I had to do a letter of Intent to the Chinese Adoption people I just finished that today...So yesterday I did a special needs application and a petition letter for Nate (Liang) and today the LOI. So whats next? Ready to join us? During this time I am also going to shed some pounds too.... So I hope that I can be thinner by the time its time to board a plane around January sometime...


  • Kym,

    Nate is absolutely georgous!!!!! Wow what a sweet face! I can't wait to follow along on your journey to pick up that cutie pie! How exciting for all of you!!!

    By Blogger mom of 3 so far, at 2:16 PM  

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